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Gastronomy Residencia Restaurant Son Floriana Cala Bona, Majorca

Enjoy the best gastronomy in our restauran

If you are a lover of signature cuisine, the gastronomy of Residencia Restaurante Son Floriana is a must during your stay in Cala Bona. Recognised throughout the island & well known as one of the best gourmet restaurants in Mallorca, our restaurant stands out for its Mediterranean cuisine with avant-garde touches, made with local product in seasons.

Breakfast Desayuno Residencia Restaurante Son Floriana


All guests of Residencia Restaurante Son Floriana can enjoy a full breakfast every day in our gourmet restaurant in Cala Bona. Cold, hot, sweet & savoury dishes, with fresh fruit and delicious daily surprises. Open every day of the week, from 8 am to 10:30 am.

Restaurante Son Floriana Cala Bona

Restaurante Son Floriana

The gourmet menu of the Restaurante Son Floriana offers you the opportunity to sample some of the most select dishes of signature cuisine in Mallorca.Located just a short stroll from Cala Bona, within the frame of a picturesque historic country house, where our Chef Luis Martin, together with head waiter Baltasar Piña, offer you the best place to sample the most avant-garde Mediterranean cuisine. Ideal for a romantic evening or to house an unforgettable event.

Restaurant opening hours:

  • Lunch: from 1 pm to 3.30 pm
  • Dinner: from 7 pm to 10 pm in winter & 7 pm to 10.30 pm in summer.

We recommend booking a table in advance: +34 971586075.

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