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Gastronomy Protur Bonaire Aparthotel Cala Bona, Majorca

Gastronomy plays a great part in the pleasure of being on holiday at the Protur Bonaire Aparthotel in Cala Bona where guests can enjoy a wide variety of international dishes, British specialities as well as typical Mediterranean cuisine. On the main buffet there is a wide variety of menu options to keep the kids happy & to enjoy a special evening dining experience, what better than a visit to our Rimini restaurant to sample delicious Italian cuisine.

Vegetarians & Vegans: our buffets offer a range of dishes

Allergens: our buffets offer gluten-free dishes and we have at your disposal the labelling & list of ingredients for intolerances.

Dress Code.
Swimming shorts, sports trousers & flip flops are not permitted.
We ask gentlemen to wear shirts or t-shirts with sleeves
The correct implementation of this dress code is always at the discretion of the hotel  management.

All inclusive

If you choose the All-Inclusive option at our aparthotel in Cala Bona, you can enjoy buffet breakfast (8 am to 10 am), continental breakfast at the Lounge Bar (10.30 am to 12.30 p.m.), Proty snacks & ice lollies for the kids, buffet lunch (1 pm to 3 pm), pastries & coffee by the pool (4 pm to 6 pm), drinks & dinner in the main buffet restaurant (6 pm to 9 pm).

More info

Restaurant Rimini

The Rimini restaurant at the Protur Bonaire Aparthotel in Cala Bona is the ideal place to enjoy delicious Italian cuisine. It’s a nice restaurant with a terrace, located in the gardens of the aparthotel. It is included for guests (those on accommodation only, with a supplement).

Opening hours: 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm. 
(please check opening days at reception)
One visit per week’s stay is included

Pool Bar

In our pool bar you can have lunch every day, our hours are from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Enjoy our extensive menu of snacks.

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Nature & Environment

Nature & Environment

We love to "Think Green"
At Protur Hotels we take special care to preserve the environment in everything we do..I want to know more
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Mon-thu 8 am - 6 pm
Sa 8:30 am - 1:30 pm

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