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Protur Natura Farm

Visit the Protur Natura Farm in  Sa Coma and discover a unique place in one of the biggest resorts in Majorca. There are 4 different routes to take on our guided tours where visitors can see examples of animals that are native toMajorca as well as our organic garden and lots of vegetation. 

A special mention should be made to the sponsoring of trees by those visitors who wish to help us to re-populate this area that was damaged by a severe storm that hit the island a few years ago. With their help we are planting trees that are native to Majorca and we promise to look after them. The sponsors can give them a name and put the date that they decided to sponsor them. This is an example of how with just a little we can do a lot if we just put our mind to it.

Guided visit from Monday to Saturday, meeting point: CLUB HOUSE

Advantages direct booking

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  • local_offerExclusive discounts-5% Promotional Code: 5EXTRA
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Sign up to ProturClub

Sign up to ProturClub

Request the free protur club card and start earning points with each reservationI want to know more
Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers

Little details, big surprises.
Little details, big surprises. A fast, comfortable & flexible way to gift an experience to those we love most!I want to know more
Nature & Environment

Nature & Environment

We love to "Think Green"
At Protur Hotels we take special care to preserve the environment in everything we do..I want to know more
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Mon-thu 8 am - 6 pm
Sa 8:30 am - 1:30 pm

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