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Equality plan
This III Equality Plan, signed on September 15, 2020, is an instrument for promoting and planning the equality policy within the company, the result of a negotiation with the legal representatives of the workers, which rearticulates and updates the II Plan, already approved in 2016.
The objective of this articulated text, in line with its predecessors, is to establish the necessary measures to avoid any type of labor discrimination between women and men, in accordance with article 45 of Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, to effective equality between women and men and other related regulations.
The will of the signatory parties is that this III Equality Plan falls within the Social Responsibility of the Company, creating the necessary conditions to guarantee and make effective the principle of equality and strengthen the essential bases to establish labor relations based on the fairness, respect and co-responsibility.
The evaluation of the implementation of the measures adopted in the II Equality Plan will be carried out by the Monitoring Commission, as established by the current Labor Agreement at state level for the hospitality sector (ALEH V), formed by the representation of the workers and of the company. They will meet ordinarily every 2 months during the season for this purpose.
General objectives:
The main objective of this III Equality Plan is to rearticulate an ordered set of measures aimed at achieving equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in the company and eliminating discrimination.
Promote the access of men or women to those departments or positions in which they are underrepresented, in order to reduce existing inequalities in the company.
Promote that, at all levels of the company, the management of people is in accordance with the applicable legality in terms of equal opportunities, in order to ensure that decisions are based on objective criteria and guarantee the transparency of the processes.
Communicate, train and raise awareness at all levels of the organization in each and every one of the issues covered by this equality plan, in order to integrate the gender perspective in all spheres of the company.
Evaluate the suitability of the measures included in the Equality Plan as well as their results.
Clause Summary:
1. Actions already implemented.
Protocol for prevention and action in situations of sexual harassment, harassment based on sex and moral harassment.
Work with us-web portal for job offers and selection: through this system a transparent selection process is guaranteed, establishing objective selection criteria and based on the adequacy of the candidate in the requirements of the offered position, related to the evaluation of aptitudes and professional capabilities.
Career-professional promotion plan: this plan aims to search for the best professional who can cover a vacancy that arises through all the personnel that can be found registered in said plan. This seeks objectivity, equal opportunities and a guarantee of replacement in any vacancies that may arise.
Annual-internal and external training plan: the company, through a program of internal and external training courses, aims to provide workers with the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out their work.
2. Actions to implement.
Work-life balance plan: throughout the term of this III Plan, the aim is to study a possible change in the established work schedule system by centers and departments, in order to achieve an improvement in reconciling personal and work life.
Equal pay plan: the objective of this plan is to analyze and detect possible pay differences that may exist between men and women and establish corrective measures, if necessary, as well as guarantee that these differences are justified in terms of merit, capacity, responsibility, fulfillment of objectives and level of performance.
3. Awareness and communication.
Disseminate a business culture committed to equality, making all staff aware of the need to act and work, jointly and globally, on equal opportunities.
Periodically report on the development of the III Equality Plan, either through the Monitoring Commission or through the physical and digital means implemented for this purpose (notice board, web portal and social networks. I work at Grup Bauza).
4. Control and monitoring of the Plan.
The Monitoring Committee is authorized to interpret the content of the Company's Equality Plan and assess the degree of compliance with it, the objectives set and the actions planned. This Commission will be responsible for monitoring, evaluation and update of the III Equality Plan of the Company.
For any query or clarification regarding these measures or any other matter related to the III Equality Plan, do not hesitate to contact your representatives and/or the Human Resources Department by email at ( subject: Equality Plan).
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